Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The "Social Network" experience!

Has everybody seen the film yet? I feel like the entire world saw it the first week. :D Well...all I can say is: It made me really happy because this is a film that actually deserves it! It’s a hip, powerful and inspirational piece that not only portrays our generation but tells a great story in a compelling way. I loved everything about it and was completely drawn into it (coming from one of the hardest film critics I know).

Even more beautiful is that I worked in the background of "The Social Network" and you can actually see me in the final film! And I'm suuuuper excited about that of course. Now, these are extremly short moments, but anybody who knows filmmaking will agree that the chances to end up in the cut of a film are very slim. 

I gotta say I was surprised about the buzz that my shots created within my community of friends, but grateful for all the love I got! You gotta start somewhere, right? Being featured in the next David Fincher film (that now has oscar buzz) is a true honor and I think it's safe to say I finally arrived in Hollywood. Yay!

So now I'm peaking over the shoulders of my favorite filmmakers and soaking up all the great energy. I still can't get enough of seeing the real work behind the final products and am grateful anytime I have the opportunity to participate. Your dreams become reality in this town and possibilities really do open up - but you gotta wait a while. LA might be a gigantic city and full of confused people, but it's the only place with the cream of filmmakers. It's fascinating how very different the corners of our planet are!

So my recommendation of the week is go and see the film if you haven’t yet! The Social Network will go into the history books as the film that defined this generation and time.

P.S. I’m in the Harvard Club scenes in the beginning- the happy camper in the hallway (in case you want to look out for me). Here's an article about me in my hometown's paper! ;)

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